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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How many times per year do you publish Farmhouse Style magazine?
A. Farmhouse Style is published quarterly, four issues each year.

Q. I'm a new subscriber, why did I get several issues in a row so quickly?
A. On a bill-me-later subscription, we send your first issue and then await payment before sending any more. However, depending on the timing of your order and subsequent payment, there's a chance that you could miss an issue during that time. Whenever possible, we try to keep that from happening. The result is sometimes two or three issues in quick succession.

Q. My subscription is paid and doesn't expire for a long time -- why am I getting renewal offers?
A. From time to time we do send out special, optional early renewal offers. Some offer a price discount for renewing well in advance; others offer different incentives or gifts for renewing early. If you don't want to take advantage of those kinds of offers, please disregard them.

Q. Why do I still get renewal notices when I just renewed recently?
A. Most likely, your renewal order to us crossed in the mail with one of our notices. If so, please ignore the notice. As a convenience to our subscribers, we begin sending renewal reminders about six months in advance of the last issue.

If you're uncertain about when to renew, you can always check the status of your account by accessing our online Customer Service portal.

Q. My first issue wasn't what I expected. How can I cancel my subscription?
A. As promised when you first subscribed, you may mail us your invoice marked "cancel" and keep that issue as our gift to you for giving us a try. Or, you may click here to cancel your subscription. If you cancel online, we'll send you an email confirmation as soon as your cancellation is processed. Either way you cancel, there are probably subscription bills already in the mail to you, so please ignore them. If there's a service problem or other reason you wish to cancel, we hope you will contact us first and give us a chance to solve the issue without resorting to cancellation.

Q. How do I know that my credit card is secure when I order from you?
A. We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software that is among the best available today for secure Internet transactions. When you place an order on-line, this software encrypts all of your personal information, including your credit card number, so that it cannot be read as it travels over the Internet.

Q. Do you have back issues available for sale?
A. We do feature a limited number of back issues of our magazines on our website We also offer many issues in digital format.

Q. Can I order a magazine subscription? I live overseas.
A. While we don't offer subscriptions for those outside of the U.S. and Canada, you can purchase single copies of Farmhouse Style in digital format at

Q. What is your policy concerning mailing lists?
A. We regularly communicate to our customers through the mail with information and offers from our family of companies. From time to time we make our customer mailing list available to other companies that sell goods and services that we believe would interest our customers. (We do not provide customer telephone numbers to these companies.) If you prefer not to receive any of this information, or if you wish to receive only information from our family of companies, please notify us at

If you have provided us your email address, you will receive emails with information and offers from us (and sometimes other companies) that we feel would be of interest to you. With each of these email offers, we will provide you with a link to opt-out of receiving future commercial email. You can also opt-out of receiving future email messages from us by emailing us at Opt-out requests are usually handled as soon as the request is made. However, it may take up to ten days to process an opt-out request.

Q. Why did I see the magazine at a store before I received my subscription copy?
A. We mail our subscription copies at the same time as they are shipped to newsstand agents throughout the world. Subscribers should always have their copy by then, as they go out 2-3 weeks before the on-sale date but we have no way to control the speed of the postal system.

Q. How do I submit a DIY project or design to Farmhouse Style magazine?
A. Please send a written description of the project along with a few photos to

Q. How do I contact the editorial department?

Farmhouse Style magazine
Attn: Editor
BERNE, IN 46711

(Please do not send subscription orders, payment or correspondence to this email as it may delay processing your request.)

Q. How do I contact the advertising department?
A. Email:

Mail: Farmhouse Style magazine
Attn: Sales
BERNE, IN 46711